We started the other day talking about the law of attraction. Today I want to continue with that theme and talk a little bit about reaching your highest potential.
We all have these grand dreams of what we want our lives to be. We know that we can achieve whatever it is that we want. So why is it that most of us will never achieve our highest potential?
It’s because we allow the doubts, the fears, and the discouraging things people have said to us convince us to settle where we are. Those negative voices inside us speak to us the loudest.
The truth is that we were all created to succeed. We were all created to achieve greatness; to accomplish our goals; to leave a mark on this generation. The key is to set that greatness free; to overcome all the negative thoughts and become all that we can be.
No matter where you are or what challenges you are facing you have what it takes to win. You are talented enough. You are smart enough. You are experienced enough. You have the right personality, the right looks, the right race, sex or nationality. You are fully equipped to become all you can. You are the right man or woman for the challenge.
You may not be reaching your highest potential, not because you don't have the faith, the talent, or the determination but because you are not keeping the right things in front of you.
Let me tell you a story about a guy that dreamed of being an actor someday. As he was growing up his family was so poor that at one point they were homeless. As he got older he kept on auditioning and trying out for different parts but he just wasn't getting any offers. He wasn't getting the big parts he wanted. He was broke and discouraged so he drove his beat up old car to the top of a hill overlooking the city and did something unusual. He wrote himself a big check for 10 million dollars for "Acting Services Rendered". He put that check in his wallet and kept it there. When things would get tough he would pull that check out and look at it to remind himself of his dream. A dozen years later he finally had the breakthrough that he dreamt about. You know him today because of wild success. That actor was Jim Carey.
The point is that we tend to gravitate toward that which we think about most. Think about this. No matter what social - economic background you come from you can find examples of people that have succeeded. You can find people from the worst backgrounds, the worst situations growing up that not only succeeded but had wild success. I can think of people like Les Brown, Opra Winfrey, Dr Ben Carson. And you can find people that had it all, that were born with a silver spoon in their mouth and went on to become absolute failures. I won’t name those but we can all think of people that descend to failure like that.
Ever ponder what the difference was between those failures and success?
Studies tell us that we move toward what we consistently see. So to reach the highest potential for success we must keep something in front of us, even if it symbolic like Jim Carey's check, to remind us of what we believe we can achieve.
When we don't have anything that reminds us of what we are dreaming of, we get stuck and lose our passion. Proverbs says "Where there is no vision, the people parish," The naysayers come along on and nick away at our dream, our enthusiasm until one day we find ourselves stuck in a rut. We've forgotten what it was that we wanted and start shrinking our dreams down to fit in with our current circumstances. The successful people always have that dream, that goal in front of them so they can push the naysayers aside and push forward toward their goals.
James Allen said "Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be. James Mark Baldwin said, "Fires can't be made with embers, not can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks."
I want you to think about what it is that you can put in front of you to keep you on track. What you can do throughout that day to remind yourselves of your destination. Keep your vision in front of you. All over your house, your office, your car, you should have pictures that inspire you. Scripture verses that encourage you. Mementoes that strengthen your faith. Every time you see that reminder of your dream say under your breath, Thank you Lord for bringing my dreams to pass. Thank you that I will become everything that you created me to be. Every time something comes along and try’s to chip away at your enthusiasm look at that reminder and tell yourself that you will achieve whatever it is that you set out to achieve.
As the late Jim Rohn always said, "REMEMBER THE SAME WIND BLOWS ON ALL OF US ITS THE SET OF YOUR SAIL THAT DECIDES YOUR COURSE!!" Set your sail for success today by learning the skills for success. If you would like some personal help on this and any other topics that I cover then subscribe to this blog and be sure to check out some of my past posts. Also if you find value in these posts be sure and share them with your team.
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Keith Abell