Master Mind Alliance that is offered by Mark Januszewski (the http://WorldsLaziestNetworker.com ). We have been discussing why goal setting fails and we have been working on digging deeper into ones psyche to discover what is behind the goals we set. To discover our definite major purpose (DMP). How to reprogram our thinking and to develop a blueprint for our future. By working through Og Mandino's,
What I discovered about myself so far, is I am looking for autonomy and liberty in my life. I guess it is only natural to desire these things after being crushed by corporate America so many times. Working 70 to 80 hours per week in management positions just to be told "Your services are no longer needed." I also know through my faith tradition that the Creator wants us to have freedom and to take personal responsibility for ourselves.
According to Dictionary.com
- Autonomy means the state or condition of having independence or freedom, or of being autonomous; and
- Liberty means freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc.,according to choice, freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.
I want to control my own destiny. To answer only to God for my actions. To build my own future without ever having to worry that someone else will decide that I am no longer needed by them, that I no longer fit into their plans to fulfill their goals and desires.
By the end of this journey the vision for my DMP; how I define autonomy and liberty in my life, is to be;
living a fulfilling life as willed by my Creator since the dawn of creation. My wife and I have oneness and peace of mind that comes from our loving relationship. We are having so much fun together, going to the theater, traveling together spending time seeing the country especially the quaint shops and villages. My love for my wife grows more deeply every day. I have a feeling of freedom since I paid off our mortgage. Being debt free is liberating. This allows me to save more so before my 65th birthday I have accumulated a retirement retirement fund giving us the autonomy to never be dependent on anyone else.
living a fulfilling life as willed by my Creator since the dawn of creation. My wife and I have oneness and peace of mind that comes from our loving relationship. We are having so much fun together, going to the theater, traveling together spending time seeing the country especially the quaint shops and villages. My love for my wife grows more deeply every day. I have a feeling of freedom since I paid off our mortgage. Being debt free is liberating. This allows me to save more so before my 65th birthday I have accumulated a retirement retirement fund giving us the autonomy to never be dependent on anyone else.
I am enjoying a week in the Smokie's with my extended family taking in the smells and sights of the beautiful colors in the fall with the costs of their travel and the chalet paid for so we can all enjoy time together. We all get to enjoy the shows, horseback riding, whitewater rafting, shopping in the arts and crafts village and just spending time together.
I am contributing 10% of my gross home business earnings to my church and splitting an additional 5% to support “Feed the Children” Catholic Radio so our local station can operate 24 hours a day and the St Vincent DePaul foundation at my church to help people in my own community.
I am doing these because of the freedom of time and finances I have created from my Youngevity network marketing business. I am helping others achieve their financial and time independence by coaching them on how to do what we do. I am sharing Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace and teaching how to build a home business using Mark J’s and Big Al’s principles.
These are the things that I will achieve through this master mind alliance. I know there will be difficulties along the way. Murphy will visit and try to play havoc. Others that don't want me to reach my destination will through out their snide remarks and try to knock me off my path. But I hold the Master Key and I control my sub-conscience mind; what goes into it and what it produces. The Creator of all things tells us to ask and to trust and He will show the way. with all of Creation on the journey with you how can you fail?