7 Ways to Use Marketing Dropcards That Will Get You 1-2 Reps Per Week
By Ray Higdon @ RayHigdon.com

This sounds great but Ray, what the heck is a drop card?
A drop card is a small business card that when folded looks like a hundred or twenty dollar bill. These have historically been used to “drop” on the ground giving off the impression that someone dropped money on the ground thereby getting unsuspecting passer bys to react in funny and interesting ways to ensure no one sees them score some money that was dropped on the ground. This article is going to talk about some ways to use drop cards that you may not have thought of.What Should Be On The Drop Card?
Well, if you are going to use these in a littering sort of way, like, throwing them on the ground everywhere you go, you do NOT want to have your phone number on them as you really don’t want to be spending your time fielding complaint calls. It is imperative that you have a good headline that will illicit interest and your website minimum.7 Ways I like to use Drop Cards
#1 – In Planes
I try to get on the plane as early as possible and place drop cards in the magazine slot in front of each and every seat. In the sky mall magazines or whatever other literature they have. You have a captive audience that is forced to sit there for hours and just might pick up those magazines.#2 – In Bookstores and Libraries
This is one of my favorites. I will set an hour aside and go to the local barnes and noble, books a million or whatever and them select books I think my prospects would read. For my primary business, people that read Ayn Rand, Glenn Beck, Robert Kiyosaki or really anything that talks about gold and silver is a prime target. I will place a few drop cards in each book. You can do this at local libraries as well.#3 – Waiting Rooms
Another place where you have a captive audience, waiting rooms and hair salons. They always have magazines there, take your drop cards and place them in as many magazines as possible.#4 – Restaurants
When you are done eating at the restaurant and putting in that tip (make sure it is a nice tip or this will not work at all!) slide a drop card in there, I have sponsored quite a few people that work in the restaurant industry. You may even preface the drop card by asking this killer question to the waiter or waitress, “Would you be interested in a side project if it didn’t interfere with your current job?” Who the heck would not say yes to that?!?
#5 – Toll Booths
Now you can also use CD’s or DVD’s for this tactic but the lowest cost way is to use a drop card. Next time you are pulling up to a toll booth, look in your rear view mirror and see what kind of car is behind you, if its a decent vehicle, pay for their toll and have the operator give the person behind you a drop card! The operator may even ask you for one!
#6 – Newspaper Stands
Another interesting one is buying a newspaper, pulling out all the newspapers and stuffing them with drop cards and putting them back in the stand. This one cracks me up, think about this though, if you were marketing for real estate, wouldn’t it make sense to put drop cards in all the apartment rental guides that are in these stands? Sometimes you have to think outside the box.
#7 – Get Your Team To Duplicate
Doing drop cards is a very easy skill to master. It doesn’t require talking to anyone and is very low cost. What if you got your entire team to duplicate this process? I am willing to bet that based on the results I have seen that if you get your team of 10-12 or more people doing this tactic, your business will go through the roof and then you get each and every new person to join in on the fun, remember, network marketing is not just about your efforts it is about getting your team to produce as well!I use a lead capture system which also includes a toll free sizzle line along with my cards to capture the information from the leads the sizzle cards generate. For more information visit
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