
Friday, December 14, 2012

Powerful Phrases to Transition a Conversation

Let me ask you, have you ever had the problem of how to transition a conversation in a way that you get permission to talk with someone about what you can do to help them?


When you’re having a conversation with someone and you’ve uncovered a problem there’s an easy way to transition to your solution.


Here are a couple of quick phrases that you can use that allows you to get their permission and then to prepare the person to mentally say “yes I want to hear what you have to say.”


Here’s the first approach, they’re talking about their problem and you’re listening to them, here’s what you say,


“I was thinking about what you were saying just a few minutes ago about your problem with . . . whatever it was. It occurred to me that there might be a way to turn that around if you were interested in resolving it.”


Think about the power of that simple statement.


You can reference any conversation whether it was today, last week, whether it was on Facebook or some other social media site, in an e-mail, wherever they made the statement, by using this simple phrase. No matter what the problem, health, energy, bills, etc. this phrase is powerful.


“I was thinking about what you said last week about . . . whatever it was. It occurred to me that there might be a way to turn that around if you were interested in resolving it.”


Do you realize the power in that phrase, “if you were interested in resolving it?”


What are they going to say, “No I like misery” or “no I like being broke.”


There’s no way that you’re not going to get a positive answer from them.


“It occurred to me that there might be a way to turn that around if you were interested in resolving . . . whatever it was.”


What if they did respond with some negative response? “I’ve lived with it for so long I know there is no way to fix it.”


You respond with the magic word, WHY.


“Why do you feel that way” or “why have you given up,” or “if there was something out there that might help you why wouldn’t you want to know how?”


Once they respond indicating that they want to hear what you have to say then you can proceed.


Another version that can be used in place of “It occurred to me” would be, “is this something you want to resolve or is this something you’re prepared to live with it.”


Try these phrases in your conversations and let me know what happened.


Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI

Pharmacist – Executive Marketing Director

Save Money, Get Healthy, Create Wealth!


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Keith Abell