
Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Really Big WHY!

A Really BIG Why, The Number 1 Key to Success!

It's really important that you grab hold of success in this business. That success is easy to obtain if you take care of what’s between your ears.

What am I talking about?

Everybody always says, “You just have to follow the simple system to have success” but I realize it’s not always easy. Believe me I have struggled at times myself. There are times when it is going to be difficult; it’s going to be tough. However, we just have to stick it out through those troubling times and not quit.

There are some steps you can follow and if you do, you won't want to quit. Here is the most important one of them, it’s your reason why.

See you got involved for a reason; it’s different for everybody so I don’t know why you got involved. I can tell you why I got involved. I can tell you I got involved because I was tired of working 70 to 80 hours per week and never seeing my family. I wanted out; I wanted to have weekends off, and to be able to take off when I wanted.

See I have a reason why, to not have to get up every day and stand on my feet for 12 hours, no breaks, no lunch; Missing all the scouting events with my kids; Having to work holidays, weekends. I had a reason why.

So when you start looking at where you are; you start looking at your vision of where you want to be and you see that there is a way to get there. You believe that there really is a way to get there then you have motivation. And if that motivation is big enough then you have your reason why!

So where you are now is your reality, it’s your status quo. So that gap between your current reality and where you want to be, that gap, it causes a tension inside of you, a burning desire. The more you realize that your vision is possible the stronger that burning desire gets. That burning desire then becomes your motivation or your reason WHY. The bigger the WHY the more likely you will achieve success.

That burning desire is you inspiration. Your motivator when you are sitting down with someone sharing your opportunity.

Of course you have to believe in the opportunity, you have to believe in the products, because if you don’t then you won’t believe it’s possible to achieve your desire and then . . . you lose that burning desire.  

Now once you have that burning desire, your reason why you have to be able to take the next step and get out there. Getting out there and doing it takes motivation and drive because it’s easier not to, it’s always easier to do nothing.

So take time to write down your reason why. Have it in front of you. Write down your goals regularly and look at them often throughout the day.

As you go out to build this business, regardless of your reason why, regardless of your motivating factors, you’re going to have your ups and downs. If you have ever had a job you've had ups and downs. If you have ever had a significant other you've had ups and downs. There is nothing in life that is exempt from the ups and downs, nothing.

An emotional rollercoaster is normal in life.

In this business what will happen is you will get involved and something will happen. Your emotions in this business will be going up and something will happen that will start sending your emotions crashing downward. Hopefully then some other significant event turns things back around. Maybe you got on a the morning hair on fire call or a corporate update call, or you listen to a training program, or you made a phone call to someone or someone called you with a success story. Something pops you back up, then something brings you back down again. Know this up front, expect it; it is part of the business. 

When you focus on your reason why then you are willing to endure this. You’re willing to endure it.

Just like back when I was in college, there were struggles, there where bad times, material I just didn’t understand, professors I just couldn’t connect with but in the end I knew I was going to graduate with my degree. I knew in the end there was something better waiting for me so that knowledge, that knowledge was my motivating factor. That degree waiting at the end was a big enough reason why that me through all of the difficulties of pharmacy school.

The same thing is here for you, but it’s easier to quit. You need to decide to be here, you need to decide that your reason why is big enough to endure the difficulties that lie ahead.

Until your why is achieved, It is so critical, so critical that you have:
  1. A strong enough reason why
  2. You focus on it
  3. You surround yourself with others that are being examples and doing the right things
  4. You decide to stay until your why is achieved
  5. Plug into personal growth every single day

Ask yourself, Who are you associating yourself with? What do you read every day?
If you hang around Negative Ned or Negative Nelly then you will have a negative philosophy.
“Oh those type of people, they don’t join.” “This type of business doesn’t work.” Then the first rejection you get and it will knock you out of the box. Then that negative philosophy becomes a negative attitude, which leads to negative actions which causes us to respond negatively to something and leads to a negative outcome and negative results so you then have a negative lifestyle, accepting the status quo and in this economy will likely lead to moving backwards.
So if you associate yourself with people on the same track and you read information that helps build you up and improve yourself that leads to:
  • Positive attitude then to,
  • Positive actions which leads to,
  • Positive outcomes and positive results,
  • Which finally leads you to a positive lifestyle

Make sure you read, listen to or watch the right positive information
Invest in personal growth.
With that simple mindset change let’s move on now to how we build our business.
  • We focus on our reason why.
  • We're going to endure the emotional roller coaster.
  • We're going to hang around good positive people
  • and invest in good personal growth activities.
  • And we are going to be here 1 year from now.

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Keith Abell