
Monday, August 31, 2015

Failure is HARD! - Post 425

Today’s quote comes from Theodore Roosevelt.

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried in the first place." Theodore Roosevelt.

Failing is very difficult. It is psychologically painful. It’s something none of us like to face. I want you to think about Pete Rose. He was one of the greatest baseball players when I was a kid. He won 3 World Series rings, 3 batting titles, one Most Valuable Player, Two Gold Gloves and the Rookie of the year. Not only that, he made 17 All-Star appearances at 5 different positions. He is the all-time Major-League leader in hits with 4256 hits.

Did Pete have any failures? 

Yes. He struck out 10,328 times. That means approx. 6 out of 10 at bats he failed. Had Pete never tried he would have never had that success. Yes failure is hard but it is much better to at least try because eventually success will come your way.

As the late Jim Rohn always said, “REMEMBER THE SAME WIND BLOWS ON ALL OF US. ITS THE SET OF YOUR SAIL THAT DECIDES YOUR COURSE!!” Set your sail for success today by learning the skills for success. If you would like to learn more about the course I am taking in my life be sure to visit . If you find value in these posts be sure to subscribe to this blog and share these posts with your team.

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Keith Abell