
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Afraid your retirement nest egg won’t last long? - Post 417

You’re not alone.

We once thought of retirement as a time to relax, play golf and maybe travel — to finally have a little fun. For some, that will still be the case.

For the vast majority of others, the thought of retirement brings anxiety. They’re worried that they’ll run out of money.

In a recent survey by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, 44% of workers of all ages cited having insufficient finances as their biggest fear.

And a quarter of middle-class Americans, according to a Wells Fargo Middle Class Retirement survey, said they “get depressed” thinking about their finances during retirement. Forty-eight percent of those who have not retired were not confident that they will have saved enough to live “the lifestyle they want” in retirement.

I don’t know that there is anyone who doesn’t have that fear. That is people’s biggest anxiety. That fear comes mostly from people realizing that they are not adding enough to their savings but will soon have to withdraw. The anxiety is that they will have to have this last themselves for the rest of their life. It is the overwhelming fear among baby boomers.

Sometimes, the uncertainties of how long someone is going to live can be overwhelming. Adding to that the thought of health-care costs, can create a sense of hopelessness.

‘Will I have enough money?’

The best way to feel better about retirement is to develop a plan.  Do not be a bystander to your own retirement future. Your chances of not running out of money greatly increases if you develop a monthly, residual income that comes in month in, month out.

The estate of Michael Jackson brought in 145 million in 2012. Elvis Presley was second on the list with $55 million, while Bob Marley took third with $17 million.

I'm not saying you or I will have that type of income but it illustrates what a residual income can do. An income that comes in regardless of whether you work that month or not.

Did you know that if you had a monthly residual income of just $5,000 per month coming in that is the equivalent to an extra $1,000,000 in your retirement fund?

Would an extra $5,000 per month on top of what you already have in your retirement savings give you more peace of mind?

Did you know that if you are very serious and follow an established plan of action, it is much easier to create a $5,000 per month residual income than it is to save another $1,000,000 before you retire?

Folks, I don't have that many more years until I hit that golden age, worse yet, after two years of unemployment I am way behind on my nest egg goals. When I was introduced to this concept by someone that I highly respect. Someone that has been very successful financially in their lifetime, to the tune of multiple seven figure income, I was stunned. In fact that set me on a 4 year search for the best vehicle and best system to reach that goal. Once I found the right vehicle I spent another
year learning, seeking out and learning from the best in the industry and now I would like to share with you what I learned.

For more information visit my website, There you will find a 20 minute video where I introduce this concept. Then I will introduce you to a very successful couple that I know that will give you the details. Once they complete their presentation you will have the opportunity to reach out to me so I can speak with you one on one more about how I can help you reach your financial goals.

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Keith Abell