
Friday, April 11, 2014

Fear of Success - Post 336

So what scares you the most?

Fear of being rejected?

Fear of failure?

For most people in the world today, the answer is quite shocking. Because the true answer is fear of success.


Now they don’t know that though. In fact, they’d deny it vehemently. That’s because they are the victim of the subconscious programming they are infected with – that they are completely unaware is there. Randy Gage has a book, Why You’re DUMB, SICK & BROKE and How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH that deals exclusively with this issue of mind viruses, and how you get infected by them.

The good news is, just as you can get programmed with a negative mind virus, you can reprogram yourself with a positive one. And your subconscious mind is what governs your whole world. If you make a commitment to consciously choosing what influences you allow yourself to be exposed to, you can eliminate fear of success from your mind. In fact, you can turn fear of success into eager anticipation of success!

The books I mention and blogs like this that you read, the audios you listen to, the videos you watch, and the people you spend time with – all have major roles in how you see yourself, the world, and your role in that world. Fear of success is insidious and destructive. You have no room for it in your life. Blow it up! It will go back to the nothingness from where it came from.

Now that takes us back to our next fear: Fear of Failure. I’ll show you how to get over that, in the next post. Until then, share this with your team. Have a discussion on the topic. And start every day being mindful, of what you’re going to allow to influence you that day.

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Keith Abell