
Thursday, August 8, 2013

You've Enrolled a New Distributor, Now What?

You've enrolled a new distributor, now what do you do?

Many years ago I joined my first network marketing company. I really enjoyed all the products they had and as a pharmacist I was willing to put my reputation on the line but I had no idea what to do. I was getting no where quick and my up-line sponsors were of no help either. They were very excited to have a pharmacist on board and where quick to use me for credibility in their own pursuits but they did not provide any real training whatsoever so I quit.

I knew that network marketing was a good way to generate additional income for me and my family I just didn't know how to do it. I spent the next 2 years looking at dozens of companies and even joining a few. This time however I was looking at training and marketing systems before I would even consider a company.

The only problem I had is I could not find a single company who's products I felt comfortable with putting my pharmacist reputation behind. So I began looking at companies outside of the wellness arena.

Long story short, after all this exploration I ended up coming back to the original company. I joinded a new team that was willing to help and I vowed that I would never be the sponsor that collected the check and ran. I took all of that information that I had leared from all of these other companies and compiled it into a training website, .

I realize that all that information is overwhelming. When a new distributor goes there they can quickly get frustrated and maybe even get lost so I knew I needed to give them a roadmap to follow as they prepare to get there business off to a fast start. So I created a series of emails that I send out to my new team members that guides them through a fast start traing process over the first 5 days they are in the business.

Since one of the tools I use for my business is an auto-responder system, I just change their status when they join from a prospect to a distributor and the auto responder does the work for me. I realize that not everyone can subscribe to an auto-responder system when they are just starting out so I thought I would share with you the 5 emails that I send out so you can customize them for yourself and manually send them out if you like.

I hope this information is helpful. Feel free to share it as well as my training site with your friends.

Keith Abell

Email Day 1

Subject: Welcome to the team

Hello John,
I wanted to welcome you to the AIM High Team and let you know how excited I am to begin working with you. We have an incredible opportunity with our company and I look forward to getting to know you better and helping you achieve your dreams.
You are about to embark on a journey, a journey into the home based business world. A journey where you sometimes feel alone and challenged. A journey where you will sometimes ask “what have I gotten myself into.” I am here to help you on that journey.
I have developed a website to help you get off to a fast start. A website that will introduce you to the 4 keys to success and guide you on that journey. If you take the time and delve into these 4 keys you will have the success that you desire, the success that you had in mind when you joined our team.
The first thing I would like you to do is to download the “90 For Life Training Manual” Over the next few days we will work through the 7 steps in this manual to get you to success quickly. To get the manual click on this link 90 For Life Training Manual or go to the training site and click on the training manual link at the top of the page.
Don't hesitate to call me at any time. I look at this as a partnership as we work together so call me with any question or anytime you need help. I'm always available. My contact information is below.


Email Day 2

Subject: The journey has begun

Hello John,
Now that you have started your home business my goal is to help you along that journey to success and to help you get there. An important tool in that journey is our team training website, I want this website to be your one stop resource for success from home.

It is so important to get started the right way, so that you can experience immediate success! We have a proven system that gets you started and into action from the moment you sign up. The most exciting part of the system is that you aren't alone!
Whew! What a relief. Isn't it nice to know that you will be in business for yourself, but not BY yourself? It's like you have been handed the key to your new business in one hand, and your other hand is being held by your up-line success leader and other folks like myself.

So let's get started!
First I'm going to make a few assumptions. I'm going to assume that you have done the following:
·         That you have ordered your CEO pack for $499 which included product, your website, and training materials (see the 90 for Life Plan)
·         That you have created a 150 BV autoship order
·         That you have printed the "90 For Life Training Manual" document. If you haven’t printed it yet then click on this link and download it now.
If you have any other questions about these first steps then give me a call.
The Senior Executive Marketing Director (SEMD) level in the Youngevity business has proven to be the reference point which begins to identify you as a serious business builder so my goal is to get you qualified as a SEMD as quickly as possible.
You ARE going to be a Senior Executive Marketing Director!
Believe it and then you will achieve it. I believe in you… Now it’s just doing it.
You have decided that nothing is going to stop you on your way to SEMD, so let's GO!
Review the first two steps in the training manual and then go to the training website ( and review Strategy 1 – The Million Dollar Mindset. Once you have completed these steps, email me a copy of your YGY WIG (found on page 6 in the 90 For Life Training Manual).


Email Day 3

Subject: 4 Keys to YOUR Success

Hello John,
By now you have downloaded the 90 For Life Training Manual. The first steps in the training manual will help you with these 4 keys to success.

Key 1 - Inspiration: Finding your inspiration. What inspired, or motivated you to join us in the first place.
Key 2 - Motivation: Learning how to take that inspiration and form wildly important goal.
Key 3 - Determination: Taking that wildly important goal and developing your massive action plan for success. Your Massive action plan crystallizes your Determination into a road-map for success by providing you with all the tools you will need.
Key 4 - Perspiration: This is where you finally execute your Massive Action Plan and actually put it into use.
If you followed my instructions from the last email you should have completed the first 2 steps in the training manual. As a result you have found your Inspiration and your Motivation. As we move to step 3 in the 90 For Life Training Manual we will take that wildly important goal and begin to develop your massive action plan.
Part of your massive action plan is to begin to explore who you plan to share our products and our opportunity with. To get a better understanding of who to share with go to the training website ( and click on the Memory Jogger link at the top of the page. While you are on the website, also review Strategy 2 – How to Never Run Out of Quality Prospects.
As you work through these steps, don't hesitate to call me at any time if you have questions. As I mentioned before, I look at this as a partnership as we work together so call me with any question or anytime you need help. I'm always available. My contact information is below.

Email Day 4

Subject: The Cycle of Duplication, Invite, Expose, Close

Hello John,
By now you should have begun creating a list of people to share your products and opportunity with. If you have then it is time to continue to work through step 3 in the 90 For Life Training Manual. To help you along the way visit the team training site ( and review Strategy 3 through 5 of the Strategies for Success found on the right hand side of the webpage.
Strategy 3 – How to Invite Properly will give you some practical advice to follow during the invitation process.
Strategy 4 – How to Present will show you some of the key concepts involved in the presentation process.
Strategy 5 – How to Close will go over 4 powerful questions to ask during the closing process that will increase your closing percentage.
Also while you are on the training site be sure to click on the Cycle of Duplication link at the top of the page to find some additional tools for your success.
I hope you are enjoying this journey. As I mentioned before, I look at this as a partnership as we work together so call me with any question or anytime you need help. I'm always available. My contact information is below.

Email Day 5

Subject: Taking Action

Hello John,
Now that you have completed step 3 in the training manual you are ready to move on to Step 4 – Execute the Strategy on page 22. Take some time now to review the presentation, The 4 Disciplines of Execution.
When you finish with step 4 move on to Step 5 – Track your Actions on page 23 of your training manual. If you don’t know where you have been then you won’t know where you are and you won’t know if you are still on course so be sure to use these tools for keeping track of your activity. It is very easy to get side tracked in this business so these tools are designed to keep you moving in the right direction.
Once you have completed these two steps you are ready to begin building your business. Contact me as soon as you have completed step 5 so we can work on getting you to the SEMD level quickly. The most exciting part of the system is that you aren't alone!
Isn't it nice to know that you are in business for yourself, but not BY yourself? You have been handed the key to your new business in one hand, and your other hand is being held by your up-line success leader and other folks like myself.

So let's get going!
Don't hesitate to call me at any time if you have questions or anytime you need help. I'm always available. My contact information is below.


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Keith Abell