
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Strategies for Success – Strategy 2, How to Never Run Out of Quality Prospects ‏

Strategies for Success – Strategy 2, How to Never Run Out of Quality Prospects ‏

This is the second post in my series “Strategies for Success.” As I mentioned in my last post this lesson was actually derived from various videos by network marketing professional, Eric Worre. I highly encourage you to visit his blog and his corresponding YouTube channel.

In my first post I discussed the 3 hard truths about network marketing that you must face square on before you can have any success. Once you face these and change your mindset you can begin to follow the path of financial freedom that Network Marketing offers. I also started discussing the first of the five strategies that you must embrace in order to have true, long lasting success. If you haven’t had a chance to review that post I suggest you do so first because this post is a continuation of that discussion. You can go to that post by clicking this link:

Just to review there are 5 strategies that you must embrace in order to have true success and we will touch on each of these briefly. The 5 strategies are:
  • Strategy 1 – The Million Dollar Mindset
  • Strategy 2 – How to Never Run Out of Quality Prospects
  • Strategy 3 – How to Invite Properly
  • Strategy 4 – How  to Present
  • Strategy 5 – How to Close
The first strategy that we discussed previously was having that million dollar mindset. Once you develop the million dollar mindset you will be able to project that sense of confidence and leadership that others will want to follow. Even if you haven’t developed all these skills yet this million dollar mindset will give you the drive and determination to succeed. Without it you don’t have any chance of reaching the desired levels of success for true economic freedom.

Now we can move on to the second strategy for success, “How to Never Run Out of Quality Prospects”

Strategy 2 – How to Never Run Out of Quality Prospects

The biggest problem new people have in Network Marketing is coming up with enough quality prospects. One thing I highly recommend all new people to do is to read the book by “The Power of Who” by Bob Beaudine. (You may purchase it from by following this link This book is all about making connections from within your current circle of friends and expanding that influence through the people you meet through your current circle. It really opened up my eyes that to the fact that we already know everyone we need to know in order to have success.

Armed with this principle let’s look at what professionals do.

So how do you never run out of  quality prospects? You have to create an active candidate list. The key work here is active. Most new people in the business create a list in their mind of who they think will be great in this business. Then as they exaust that list and have limited success with it they get discouraged and quit. The key here is it must be an active list; a list that is always growing as you meet new people.

Before we begin this discussion I would like for you to watch another video by Eric Worre. This one is called “But I Don’t Know Anyone.”

The first step to creating an active candidate list is to write down everybody you know. I recommend using a journal to do this and be sure to only use this journal to grow your list. Over time you will fill it. Write now you’re thinking that you don’t know that many people but trust me, over time this list will grow and I am going to show you why. Don’t worry I’m not going to tell you to get on the phone with them all right now. This is just a list of everyone you know. Be sure to write EVERYONE down. As you are doing this there are some people on your list that will cause you to think of others that you have met through them. Put ‘em on your list.

Now you want to take this list with you everywhere you go.  As you continue through your daily routine your activities will trigger your memory and more people will come to mind. Write them down even if you don’t think there is any remote possibility that they will join your business. As you meet new people they are to be put on this list. When you join new organizations, place them on this list. As you meet new people through social media, put them on this list.

The goal over the rest of your life is to try to add at least 2 new contacts to your list every day. Think about it, if you add 2 a day five days a week then in a year’s time you will have added 520 potential prospects to your list every year. See how this list grows. Get into the habit of doing this and you will never have to worry about finding prospects again.

I want you to stop now and watch two more short videos by Eric Worre called “5 Steps to Never Ending Prospects” and “A Message to Online MLM Idiots”

5 Steps to Never Ending Prospects:

A Message to Online MLM Idiots:

So far we have talked about the first strategy, “Having a Million Dollar Mindset” and the second strategy, “How to Never Run Out of Quality Prospects.” Spend some time reflecting on what I have discussed so far. Take time to watch the videos again and just digest the information. In a couple days I will share with you the next strategy, “How to Invite Properly.” You are now on your journey to becoming a network marketing professional so you can become a Healthy Lifestyle Champion.


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Keith Abell