
Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Power of a System

The System

To illustrate the power of a system, consider McDonalds - perhaps THE most successful franchise of all time. With the average "Mom & Pop" hamburger stand costing under $100,000 to open, why do people invest over $1-million in a McDonald's               franchise? Is it because McDonald's makes the best hamburger? Generally               not. People are investing in the McDonald's SYSTEM which boasts a 98% success rate (vs. 2% with traditional "Mom & Pop"). This success occurs even with high school kids running the store! 

With Youngevity we also have the power of a proven SYSTEM. What is it? 

Instead of memorizing Dr. Wallach's message yourself, use the TOOLS (cd's, dvd's, etc...) to share his message! 

Have you ever wondered why roughly 40 different companies use Dr. Wallach's tape to sell their products? They use it because his tape is so powerful that they can give it to people they don't even know, and those people will buy their products!
Dr. Wallach explains that these other companies have helped "chum the waters" for your Youngevity business. Ask yourself: How many of these people don't know that Dr. Wallach has his own company? What will they do when they find out? Who is going to tell them? 

Our job is simple - we share Dr. Wallach's tools and those tools share his message. We merely spark people's curiosity to LISTEN TO or WATCH these audiocassettes and videos. The more people you encourage to listen to his tapes, the more people you'll find who want to try Dr. Wallach's products. 

Another major advantage of using the tools is DUPLICATION
If you spend an hour explaining Dr. Wallach's message to someone, they might say to themselves, "I could NEVER learn all of that!" 
But if you simply share a tape with them and commit them to listening to it ("If I lend you this tape, will you listen to it?"), they realize how easily they could do the same.

Keith Abell, RPh CIP MI
$10 Path to Finacial Freedom

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Keith Abell