
Monday, July 11, 2011

Security for the most part is a superstition. - Post 091

We have bought into the idea that working for someone else makes our life more secure. "Security for the most part is a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole, experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run, than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller

How true and powerful. I to thought that working for someone else brings security. Years ago I worked for AT&T. When an anti-trust suit was filled against AT&T a judge determined that they held an unfair monopoly and broke AT&T up into smaller parts. Suddenly the job security was gone as people all over the country lost their jobs.

Later I obtained my pharmacy degree and became a pharmacist. At the time the outlook in the medical field was positive. With the predictions of the growth of the baby boom population and the shortage of pharmacists it appeared that the security in that field would last until my retirement. Now however with the looming government take over of health care, the explosion of colleges offering pharmacy degrees causing a surplus of pharmacists, and the growing number of insurance companies forcing it's customers to order their prescriptions through mail order the pharmacy field no longer offers the degree of security it once had.

We are seeing this scenario repeated over and over in every field in America.

The energy industry is facing stricter regulations which will cause massive layoffs from the coal and oil fields all the way through all of the supporting industries.

Massive layoffs have already occurred in the automotive industry and I am sure more will occur.
Healthcare and related industries will also see more cutbacks as funding becomes more scarce.
The defense and it's supporting industries will see more cutbacks. As the government looks for ways to save money.

Aerospace has been decimated with the cancelations of the space shuttle and the governments move to use more foreign space agencies to do it's work.

Security when working for someone else just does not exist any longer. You must become self reliant and find ways to provide for the security of your own family.

I can help.

Keith Abell, RPh MI
Pharmacist - Senior Executive Marketing Director

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Keith Abell