
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Part 2 of series: FDA Doesn't Regulate Shampoos & Conditioners – Paraben - Post 045

FDA Doesn't Regulate Shampoos & Conditioners – Paraben
That is a real shock, isn't it?  Well, read on for more details….

The first thing that was a real eye opener was that for the most part, the FDA doesn't regulate cosmetics and personal care products. So when we thought they'd let us know about toxins and harmful ingredients….they weren't empowered to do that! Since 1894, this industry has been a self policing organization called the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association – or now known as the Personal Care Products Council.  It's made up of over 600 different product distributors and manufacturers.  It's about like having the fox watch the hen house to ensure 'voluntary regulation'.

What is even MORE shocking is that there are more safety regulations and far more banned chemicals in places like the EU, Canada, Japan, and other health conscious markets than here in the U.S.A. Makes it feel an awful lot like consumers are guinea pigs.

So, what do you need to be aware of in your own products like shampoos, conditioners, lotions, etc.?  Make use of resources that help you determine what is safe for your health and that of your family.  For example, the following ingredients are just a few of the toxins that can actually make you ill if you use them daily in shampoos and conditioners:

  • Paraben – Used as a preservative, this toxin has been linked to hormone and endocrine system disruption. Used as an antimicrobial ingredient, this chemical is considered a xeno-estrogen (false estrogen) because it interferes with normal hormonal and estrogen behavior.  Xeno-estrogens mimic, disrupt and block normal behavior and pathways.  For example, parabens can impact fertility, pregnancy, menstruation, and even fat cell activity.  Too much estrogen can cause weight gain, fluid retention and depression.  Scientists have found paraben nodules in breast cancer tumors. 

 Note:  Check your product labels for these names –

o   Propylparaben

o   Parahydroxybenzoic acid

o   Parahydroxybenzoate

o   Methylparaben

o   Ethylparaven

o   Buylparaben

o   Benzyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid

o   Methyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid

o   Propyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid

o   Butyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid

REMEMBER, your skin cannot protect you against these toxins.  It is NOT a barrier to entry as many of the medical patches have proven for years.  And toxins in your shampoo and conditioner could well be MORE toxic than what is in your food.

We've worked hard to create safe, natural organic and/or wild crafted shampoos and conditioners for you!  Order your supply now and protect your family against the unseen threats from toxic ingredients.

To find out more about Essante Organics visit:

Keith Abell, RPh MI
Pharmacist – Sernior Executive Marketing Director

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Keith Abell