
Monday, May 2, 2011

Listening May Be The Key - Post 039

Listening May Be The Key

Have you ever noticed that most people are usually unhappy with one of these four things: their finances, the amount of free time they have, their job, or their health. Next time you hear this, try this: Listen for the dissatisfaction and then offer to help.

For example, if someone complains to you about always being tired. You should first listen and learn more about this, then after genuinely listening, try asking a key question such as, "If I could show you how to boost your stamina and energy, would you like to learn more?" Do you see how this works? First, you are offering to help, and then you are asking if they want information. Alright, let's say that someone is frustrated with their job. First listen and learn more about what they do. Find out how long they have been in that line of work, what they like about it, and what they don't like about it. Listen for their "hot buttons", then ask, "If I could show you an alternative to your stressful job, would you be interested?"

Most people enjoy helping others. When you are working from a caring, passionate perspective, you can't help but attract customers and distributors to you.

Visit my website Watch the videos, fill out the contact form, then lets talk about what I can do for you.

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Keith Abell