
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The stupidest, easiest, simplest, no brainer way to a check... - Post 036

The stupidest, easiest, simplest, no brainer way to a check...

Here is part of an e-mail I received from network marketing pro Todd Falcone ( please subscribe to his blog)

"I'm sitting in the Atlanta airport heading to Orlando this morning and thought I'd 
give you a stupid simple challenge.  
No joke.  What I'm going to tell you to do is sure to make you at least 6-figures in the future.  And...if you follow me at all, you know I'm FAR from full of crap.  
I despise hype and people who are full of fluff and garbage.  So...listen clearly.
If you want to get more business, you have to go GET it.  You have to ASK for it.
You're not going to get anything unless you SEEK it...and then ASK it.  
Here's what I want you to do for the next 30 days.  
DO NOT let a single prospect get away from you without asking the question,
I've said this to you before...and I will say it again.  If you are letting ANY prospect 
get away from you without you asking the parting question of "Who do you know?" 
you are LOSING.  You are throwing money away.  You are literally tossing away
STOP the BLEEDING NOW.  Start asking.  
Any time a prospect says 'no' to you or isn't interested in your product, service or business, simply ask them something like:
- Who do you know who is sharp?
- Who do you know who could use some extra money?
- Who do you know that is health conscious? (if you're in a health company)
- Who do you know who....?

DO IT.  Don't you DARE glaze over this email and treat this as nothing.  If you let ANY prospect leave you without you asking that question, you are not being 100% on your game. "

Sent from my iPhone
If I could show you how to eliminate your largest two monthly expenses would it be worth 30 minutes of your time?

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Keith Abell